This article originally appeared in Forbes. After being accepted by a college, students receive all types of preparation—from handbooks to orientation weekends. Students at the
This article originally appeared in Forbes. The story out of last week’s Democratic National Convention is that Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other
This article originally appeared in Forbes. What do young female delegates to the Republican National Convention think of Donald Trump? During the primary, some of
This article originally appeared in Forbes. Today is the last day of the four-day Republican National Convention. This is usually the most exciting day of
This article originally appeared in Forbes. Casual observers of the Republican National Convention who tuned in to Day 1 last night likely took away a
This article originally appeared in Forbes. Standing alongside three All-Star NBA players, LeBron James opened last night’s ESPYs by calling on the audience to do
Each summer, students trade in their college IDs for internship badges. While some treat an internship as a long job interview, others see it more
This article originally appeared in Forbes. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made efforts to appeal to working women a centerpiece of her presidential